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June 10k Jumping Jacks Challenge

Private·8 members


Ready for a challenge? In April we did abs, in May we did low sugar, and now for June, we’re doing jumping jacks!

That’s right! Our at-home challenge for June will be to complete a whopping 10,000 jumping jacks! Yes, it may seem like a lot, but if it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you, right?! 😊

You can split the amount of jacks up however you’d like during the day (50 at a time, 100 at a time, etc.). As an idea, one of my campers is able to do 70 jacks per minute, so on the last day of the challenge, she’d have to do that 10 times during the day.

Not up for the 10k challenge? You can also divide the daily numbers in half and do 5,000 if you’re looking for a simpler challenge! Get ready to jump!


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  • May 29, 2019


  • Pam Moorhead

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