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Scott Hamilton's Story of Courage & Resilience

Scott Hamilton

Have you been watching the Winter Olympics? You may have heard of figure skating champion Scott Hamilton who won four consecutive U.S. championships and four consecutive World Championships from1981–84 and a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. Although he is now retired, he still has an amazing story of resilience, strength, positivity, courage, and dedication that's worth sharing.

Scott Hamilton

He was given up for adoption as an infant. He stopped growing as a child (he's currently only 5'3). He faced testicular cancer as an adult. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2004. Then again in 2010. And for a third time in 2016. Yet each time, he got back up and came back stronger than before. And, as of last year, doctors have said his third tumor has miraculously shrunk without any treatment - which they say that brain tumors have no reason to shrink without treatment. I believe he received a spectacular miracle. He says "I've just learned that the only true disability in life is a bad attitude. God is there to guide you through the tough spots. God was there every single time."

Watch his "I am Second" story below...

Good luck to Team USA! 🇺🇸

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