Angie Churchill is our newest Healthy Hero! Angie attends one of our corporate camps on her lunch hour. Since she has been coming the last few years, she has worked hard to get stronger and leaner, including cleaning up her diet to lose those last stubborn pounds. If you saw Angie today, you might think she was always thin and that life had come easy for her. But if you read Angie's story, you will know that things aren't always as they seem.
Here are her words:
"I was NEVER athletic and I didn’t take care of myself. During my teens & early 20’s, smoking, drinking and partying were my top priorities but I hated how it made me look and feel. At 25 years old, I was over 200 lbs and I knew that something needed to change. Embarrassed by my weight, I thought I was “too fat” to join a gym so I started walking in my apartment parking lot, hoping no one would see me. I walked every night, until my legs felt like jelly, and then I’d do it again the next night.
As I lost weight, I gained something I never had: CONFIDENCE! Over the years, I’ve done kickboxing, spin classes, CrossFit, running clubs and even Krav Maga! Now I go to boot camp regularly and I am stronger then ever. Nerves and self-doubt accompanied each new challenge, but I kept putting one foot in front of the other. The rewards were greater than anything I could have imagined! Exercise makes you stronger, both physically and mentally, and it helped me turn my life around by overcoming addiction. I’ll be 40 years old this summer and I feel like I’m in the best shape of my life. Bring on the next decade of adventures!"
Angie always makes the rest of us smile with her sweet sarcasm while she is running, lifting, and sweating. 😉 She has a positive, happy, generous spirit. She brings life and joy to the people around her and we are proud to call her our latest Healthy Hero! Congrats Angie! 🎉
What is a Healthy Hero? We’ll be featuring a couple "Healthy Heroes" on the blog each month! These people will be campers who have made great improvements at boot camp, been consistent in showing up each week, recruited friends, or just had a positive attitude and worked their tails off at every class. If you’re featured on the blog, you’ll get $5 gift card to a Juice/Smoothie restaurant of your choice (i.e.- Tropical Smoothie Café, JuiceLand, Smoothie King, etc)...not to mention bragging rights!